Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Viking Similes

The Viking warriors were like demons rising out of the ground, with blood thirsty teeth.  By Nivvy.

The Vikings charged into battle like cheetahs racing for their prey.  By Kiarn.

The Vikings personality was as cold as snow, on a freezing winters day.  It was like the Vikings had opened hells gates, as they charged into battle.  By Sammy

The Vikings charged into battle, like a storm hitting Wellington. By Jade

The Vikings were as cold hearted, as s a snow storm.  By Ethan.

The Vikings helmet was as hard, as a massive rock. By Sarah.

They Vikings charged into battle, like two volcanoes erupting.  Their shields were as hard as a brick pancake.  By Ruan

The Vikings attacked their enemies, like a huge super storm crushing everything in its path. By Nivvy and Ethan 

The Vikings roared into battle, like cracking thunder on a stormy night.  By Richie

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